Does this sound familiar?

The clock is ticking. 

It’s time to go and you’re still standing in front of your closet. Still.

You try on more clothes, but end up with the same frustrating feeling:

woman with her hands on her head standing in front of her closet

"Nothing looks good on me!!" 

You push aside the overcrowded hangers, trying not to think about the money you've wasted, and grab “old reliable”, the outfit you wear for what feels like everything.

Who cares, right??
You do. And that's what matters most.

smiling, confident blonde woman wearing blue coat, black turtleneck, and hat


wouldn’t it be wonderful

to glide confidently out the door - on time! - wearing an outfit that makes you SHINE from the inside out?
Not just once, but Every. Single. Day.

"Every woman deserves the luxury of a wardrobe that makes her shine."

Hollywood Stylist & Personal Shopper Erin Ross has dressed A-list movie stars and musical icons on and off the red carpet for over two decades.

Now she's sharing her skills and knowledge with you with her Three transformative Master Classes so you can dress with confidence & style...
in as little as 1 month!



stylish smiling woman in blue coat with one differently stylish woman on either side of her
Each Master Class gives you
over 2 hrs of transformative video lessons (10-20 min each)!

beautifully organized closet full of coordinating clothes and accessories
Each Master Class includes essential checklists, cheat sheets, stylist tips & tricks, and more!

woman holding several colorful shopping bags
Each Master Class includes your own interactive Digital Notebook that automatically saves everything for you!


"I always felt self-conscious with how I dressed...

Erin's classes taught me in an easy to understand way how to find my style, dress my shape, and know with confidence that I look great. My closet finally makes sense. Everything in it makes me happy!"


Be your own personal stylist in as little as 1 month!

woman holding tablet with course video on its screen
My Master Classes help you confidently build a beautiful wardrobe that:
Consistently Flatters Your Shape
Perfectly Suits Your Lifestyle
& Authentically
Reflects Your Personality

All without the Hollywood Price Tag!


"These were exactly what I needed...

These classes are divided into easily digestible segments, with relatable experiences, examples that have meaning, and specific recommendations that made it easy to confidently walk away with immediate wins!"

all three classes pictured together with title that says Master Classes That Make You Shine

Get instant access to your

3 Master Class Bundle now

for just $169.

(A savings of $68. if purchased separately!)

Start SHINING Now!

Master Classes can also be purchased separately below for $79. each


"I never really understood what looked good on me...

and was always unsure about what I was wearing, especially now that I’m getting older. Erin helped me find my true style and taught me how to make the right purchases. Now I feel confident with the things I wear."


Become a VIP!

Visit my website

I've done the shopping for you!
Find everything you need in one place:
A Curated Shop
Stylist Tips & Tricks
Educational Posts
FREE Downloads
-and so much more!


-Who are these classes for?

These classes are for any woman who wants to dress with confidence and develop a personal style that consistently flatters her shape, accommodates her lifestyle, and reflects her unique personality. Occupation, income level, working from home vs office, age, and marital/child status is irrelevant, as these courses are about personal style, which is universal.

- When do these classes start and end?

These are self-paced online classes - you decide when you start and when you finish. They are available to you as soon as your purchase is complete and do not expire.

-How much time will it take to complete these classes?

Each class has 9 short Modules, consisting of educational videos that are quick in length (10-20 minutes each). At the end of each Module, there is an assignment related to what you learned. Most are worksheets (digital or printable) or spending some time online. Set aside 30 minutes for these. 

Since these are self-paced classes, you decide how much time you'd like to commit to them.

-Do I have to buy all three classes?

Together, the three classes teach you all you need to become your own personal stylist. They are specifically designed to be completed in order, as each one builds upon lessons from the last. They are also sold separately, but the 3 Master Class Series bundle provides a generous savings of almost 30% (like getting the 3rd class free!).

-Do you have an affiliate or referral program?

Yes. There are generous referral and affiliate programs available that reward you for your support. You will have access to the referral program from right inside the classes. Please email [email protected] for more information about our affiliate program.


"Shopping for new clothes was always overwhelming for me...

Erin’s classes taught me which details to stay focused on and how to find exactly what I need within my budget."

* If you are an existing student: Click Login in the menu to access your classes.